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2015 NJ QRP Club
Skeeter Hunt
August 9, 2015
by Eric McFadden, WD8RIF



One member of the Southeast Ohio Radio Adventure Team participated in the 2015 NJ QRP Club Skeeter Hunt operating event. Eric McFadden, WD8RIF, operated at Tom Jenkins Dam in Burr Oak State Park as Skeeter #20. Eric was joined by his wife, Vickie, KC8MAJ who helped with setup and teardown but didn't operate.

Eric and Vickie arrived at Tom Jenkins Dam about an hour into the four-hour event and set up Eric's KX3 Travel Kit on a table in the picnic shelter. He and Vickie quickly hung the 28' end-fed wire from a suitable tree and made his first QSO on 20m with AD0AB at 1811Z.

A View from the operating site -- click to enlarge Eric operating -- click to enlarge

A solar K-index of 3 caused very poor band conditions on 20m and 40m. Most Skeeter Hunt stations were weak and QSB was very fast and deep. In addition, the SKCC (link) Weekend Sprint (WES) was taking place right on the 20m QRP calling frequency, causing QRM.

A View of the Tom Jenkins Dam pumping station -- click to enlarge

Eric operated about 90 minutes and managed to work twelve stations on 20m and two stations on 40m.

Time (Z) Freq. Callsign Name SPC Skeeter Number
1805 14062 NE5DL QSO incomplete — QSB
1811 14059 AB0AB Jim KS (WES)
1820 14063 K2WO George FL 5
1828 14063 N4KGL Greg AL 18
1829 14063 NE5DL Dave TX 141
1833 14063 WB5BKL Nick TX 84
1843 14061 KX0R George CO 161
1855 14063 N5GW Gene MS 69
1859 14063 K4BYF Jack FL 2w
1902 14061 AB9CA Dave AL 101
1929 14064 K4UPG Kelly FL 80
1934 14064 K2UFT Dick GA 147
1937 7030 N3CU Ken PA 64
1942 14061 W4QO Jim GA 162
1946 7032 KM4IXK David NC 133

Eric enjoyed the 2015 Skeeter Hunt and is looking forward to participating again next year.

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