click to enlarge
photo copyright 1995 Steve Hideg
click image to enlarge

by William Eric McFadden

Note: I no longer own an Index Labs QRP Plus, having sold it in September, 2008 to Dave Wilcox, K8WPE to help fund the purchase of an Elecraft K2. This page about the QRP Plus will remain active for archival purposes.

From the manual:

The QRP PLUS is a compact low power transceiver with the features and performance you expect in a modern full size transceiver.
  • All band Operation 160M through 10M
  • General Coverage Receiver 1.8MHz to 29.7 MHz
  • 20 Memories Can Be Set to Any Frequency in the Operating Range
  • Provision for Efficient Split Operation
  • High Performance SCAF Digital Filters Variable from 100Hz to 2400Hz
  • Single Sideband and Full Break-in CW Operation
  • Built-in Iambic Keyer
  • Very Low Power Consumption on Receive

Transceiver Features:

QRP Plus advertisement, December 1995 QST -- click to enlarge Index Laboratories offered two versions of the QRP Plus: the original QRP Plus, and the later Improved QRP Plus. The latter utilized a custom-designed mixer in the receiver and promised improved receiver performance. (Sadly, the Improved QRP Plus did not quite meet expectations.)

Index Labs also offered an accessory, the QRP Companion, which contained in a cabinet the same size and shape as that of the QRP Plus, an antenna tuner, a noise bridge for use in tuning an antenna, and a gel-cell battery with charger.

Index Labs no longer offers amateur radio equipment and does not service the QRP Plus or QRP Companion.

My QRP Plus, serial number #0719, was an original version with a Revision 03 EPROM and was un-modified. It was my primary portable HF transceiver. The QRP Plus is small and rugged, has a nice feature mix and an excellent user interface, and while its receiver performance isn't that of a competition-grade transceiver, the little rig served me well in the field.

Manual: I have scanned the manual of the original version of the QRP Plus and have made it available as a 2.5 megabyte zip file and a 2.4 megabyte PDF file.

Update 2024-04-11: David Wilcox, K8WPE, reports that the QRP Plus can be serviced by Guy Mengel, N1GMM, who has experience repairing the radios and has a supply of spare parts.


Articles: I have collected articles from QRP-L and other sources on the QRP Plus:

QRP Plus Links:

Attributions: Advertisements scanned from original documents.