Two members of the Southeast Ohio Radio Adventure Team succeeded in activating
Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park and North Country National Scenic Trail
as part of the ARRL's year-long National Parks on the Air (link).
Eric McFadden, WD8RIF, and Miles McFadden, KD8KNC, activated Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park,
HP11 (link) and the North Country National Scenic Trail, TR04 (link)
at the Huffman Prairie Flying Field Interpretive Center while in Dayton, Ohio to see the American Solar Challenge (info)
race cars at Carillon Park.
Eric and Miles arrived at the Interpretive Center about 1700 UTC, quite a bit earlier than planned. Eric stamped his Passport 2016 and spoke with the ranger who explained that a reproduction Wright Flyer was on display, while the weather remained nice, at Huffman Prairie Flying Field.
As at previous activations, Eric's station consisted of his Enhanced KX3 Travel Kit, his MFJ-1910 33' fiberglass telescoping mast, and a custom clipboard.
Eric was on the air by 1724 UTC and made his first QSO at 1725 UTC with N4KER. QSOs came quite steadily
thereafter until he made his 12th and final QSO with AA4R at 1743 UTC. All QSOs were made at the 5-watt
level. A highlight of the operation was seeing (and photographing) a Boeing E-4B Airborne Strategic
Command and Control Post aircraft on approach into Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
Miles did not operate but helped with set-up and tear-down and did much of the activation photography.
After the activation, and before heading to Carillon Park to see the solar race cars, Eric and Miles visited Huffman Prairie Flying Field to see the reproduction Wright Flyer.
And finally, Eric and Miles did get to Carillon Park to see the arrival of the American Solar Challenge 2016 cars.